The socio-political groupings and personalities gathered within the Citizen Crisis Resolution Proposal (PCSC) sent to the CARICOM on March 11, 2024, with acknowledgment of receipt, a document presenting the key points of the resolution of the acute crisis which is rife against the Haitian population in all its components.
Indeed, since the villainous assassination of President Jovenel Moise on July 7, 2021, which constitutes an attack against the Haitian State, the country is experiencing one of the most humiliating moments of its existence. Armed criminal gangs first federated, then legalized, and finally made official on the international scene through a public speech delivered by Mrs. Helen Ruth Meagher La Lime, Head of the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). These armed criminal gangs are currently occupying the forefront of the socio-political scene in Haiti by committing all kinds of atrocious crimes and inhumane abuses against a defenseless civilian population, thus creating indescribable chaos without precedent to justify the deployment of foreign armed troops on the national soil.
Added to all this is the dilapidation of the State and public administration which, since January 9, 2023, marking the end of the mandate of the only elected representatives in the Republic, have been floundering in troubling unconstitutionality and the flagrant absence of legitimacy of state authorities. The agreement of December 21, 2022, having supported in power the exceptional Prime Minister, Ariel Henry whose appointment was consecrated by a tweet from Madame Helen Ruth Meagher La Lime (BINUH), has exhausted all its effects without carrying any element of solution to the national crisis. The presence of Ariel Henry at the Haitian prime minister office does not meet any constitutional criteria.
It is in these elusive intertwinings that the CARICOM summoned Haitian actors to propose the formation of a new government to lead the reins of the State following the material incapacity of Ariel Henry to return to the country. The PCSC is among the important structures having sent a crisis resolution document to the CARICOM and warns against any unfair maneuver to use the opportunity of these discussions for petty political purposes. The PCSC denounces any decision resulting from these discussions deviating from the legitimate interests of the Haitian nation expressed through the explicit provisions of articles 133 and 149 of the Constitution of March 1987. The PCSC does not in any case intend to negotiate the supreme interests of the country for crumbs of illusory power.
The PCSC reserves the legitimate right to take all appropriate measures and initiate all actions that are right to force respect for the dignity of the Haitian people and recognition of the principle of the inviolability of national sovereignty. The PCSC invites all other socio-political groups and personalities to join it in its approach to safeguarding the superior interests of the Haitian nation.
For the Ad Hoc Committee, March 14, 2024:
Macsonne POLYTE, Coord. Gnl. (MUDHAH)
Moise GARÇON, Coord. Gnl. Adj. (PCSC)
Ciné WILFORD, Sec. Gnl. (KONSA)
Jean-Baptiste NASCAL, Sec. Gnl. Adj. (BAZ KAFOU)
Dorvil Paul JACQUES, Resp. des Finances (RENAGH)
Dr. Bobb ROUSSEAU, Resp. Rel. Intles
Evens TOUSSAINT, Conseiller Politique (ROCH)
Francillon VRONSKY, Conseil Spécial (AUH-PCSC)
Marc Wood PIERRE, Conseiller Juridique (PCSC)
Gary CASIMIR, Membre (NAPL)
Réginald EXEANT, Membre (FOS NIP)
Djimsline TONTON, Membre (SOFAL)
Hortense FRANCOIS, Membre (PAC)
Ce collectif a été crée le 25 septembre 2021 et l’accord proposé regroupe une vingtaine de partis politiques et plus d’une trentaine d’organisations de la société civile ou de la diaspora. l’ Acccord de principe a été signé par plus de 10500 haitiens en Haiti et en ligne. Pour de plus amples informations, visitez notre site internet: