Home 360NEWS Haitian-Americans sends a policy paper to U.S. Congress to convince U.S. policymakers...

Haitian-Americans sends a policy paper to U.S. Congress to convince U.S. policymakers to support a long-term transition in Haiti

Maintaining Mr. Moise as the president of Haiti beyond February 7, 2021, is a threat to the economy and the physical security of every country globally, especially that of the United States.

A coalition of Haitian-Americans submits a straight to the point policy paper analysis to American Congress to inform them that the PHTK regime has been a threat to American foreign policies and an indignation to international relations since the day Mr. Moise took office. Continuing to provide him support to feed his selfish political ambitions will further endanger U.S. economic and physical security as well lead Haiti in a dictatorship that will claim millions of lives through massacres, assassinations, and kidnappings, facilitate corruption, gang proliferation, gross mismanagement, and preserve the empire of crocked leaders and incompetent politicians.

The policy paper outlines that the United States, through BINUH, the Core Group, and the American embassy is the first enabler of Mr. Moise’s exactions. It points out to the American government that Mr. Moise carried out his illegal actions with the acquiescence of U.S. diplomats who currently live in Haiti or travel to Haiti very often. The coalition mentions that Mr. Moise, since the day of his inauguration, has been transforming Haitians’ lives from living in poverty into living in misery and from living scared to living imprisoned in collective terror.

Mr. Moise’s social and political overreach does not only negatively affect Haitians; it also affects the Western Hemisphere’s stability and the United States’ economic and physical security. It also provides China and Russia unlimited ammunition to make a mockery of long-standing American policies worldwide. As such, the United States must no longer recognize the Moise government after February 7, 2021, pursuing article 134, paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the Haitian Constitution that sets a strict electoral calendar to which presidents before Mr. Moise abided. Moreover, U.S. policymakers must support a long-term transition in Haiti where the diaspora will significantly influence the transitional government. A day over February 7, 2021, will further endanger Haitians lives and put American foreign reputation at risk.  Article 134 and its paragraphs set that the president’s term commences on February 7 following the election date, and under no circumstance, a president shall benefit from a mandate extension or prolongation.

The coalition makes it clear to U.S. Congressmen that allowing Mr. Moise to extend his term will destabilize the country even more. It will prolong the Haitian people’s misery and empower the president’s allies to run guns, launder money, and sell drugs. They will also continue to attempt to enter the United States with fake passports or by other means to hide or continue their killing sprees. They further mention that because of Mr. Moise, the country has the highest level of corruption and the uppermost gross mismanagement in the Caribbean, driving the country into a difficult recovery path.

The paper says that Mr. Moise’s government is a criminal enterprise that facilitates corruption, illicit enrichment, the proliferation of death squads disguised in police officers, and gang propagation with ties to the government. It is also a dictatorship in the making where Mr. Moise is taking decrees that violate the Constitution, fulfill his long-held dictatorial ambitions, solidify his base to rig the next elections and provide him and his allies the immunity if he loses the next elections.

The U.S government must not allow Mr. Moise to continue to shamble or lead the country toward indignation. Moreover, the United States, through the intervention of the Core Group, BINUH, and the American embassy in Haiti, must stop actively providing Mr. Moise with unabated support, logistics, strategies, advice, and materials in the pursuit of his exactions. U.S. support to Mr. Moise leads to further deterioration of the situation, advanced the country’s independent institutions’ decadence, and continued repression of the people’s will.

The coalition mentions that Mr. Moise decided bluntly not to hold elections to renew ⅔ of the Senate because he wanted to eliminate anything that stands between him and his political ambitions. In so doing, Mr. Moise thrashed the country’s hard-fought sovereignty by creating an Electoral Council, an intelligence agency, and a commission to rewrite the Constitution to which the majority of the population vehemently opposed.

The policy paper states that the transition’s mission will be to facilitate the debate on the needs for a constitutional amendment or the drafting of a new one, appoint the members to form the Constitutional Council following Articles 190 bis to 190 ter-10 of the Constitution. The latter will review the new electoral decree before its promulgation to ensure that it does not recycle articles 37 and 239 of the 2015 electoral decree, which sets the presidential term at five years, regardless of when the country holds an election or the date a president takes office.

The diaspora proposed several policy recommendations to help bring Haiti back on track to democracy and prosperity. They propose that the U.S. government facilitate the transition government to strengthen diplomacy, establish security so that Haitians do not have to live in fear, put Haiti on track to development, organize fair and credible elections, and provide support for diaspora-led economic initiatives.

Feel free to request a copy of the full policy paper at
Dr. Bobb RJJF Rousseau

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