Home 360NEWS The Art of Manipulation: Trump’s Tactics and Kamala’s Response

The Art of Manipulation: Trump’s Tactics and Kamala’s Response

Political debates are meant to be a platform for candidates to discuss their policies, ideas, and vision for the future. However, when winning the election becomes the sole objective, debates can be manipulated to serve this goal. Candidates may resort to cherry-picking facts, emotional appeals, and personal attacks to sway public opinion. A stark example of this manipulation was evident in the recent debate when Donald Trump falsely claimed that immigrants were stealing and eating animals in Ohio.

This blatant lie not only demonstrates Trump’s willingness to distort reality but also highlights the dangers of such tactics. Trump’s approach to political debates and discourse has been a subject of concern and analysis. His tactic of spreading misinformation and leveraging divisive issues has been effective in galvanizing his base, but it poses a significant threat to democratic discourse.

Trump’s approach can be broken down into several key components, including emotional appeal, simplification, misinformation, repetition, targeting, deflection, cultivating loyalty, and media manipulation. By employing these tactics, Trump creates a powerful narrative that resonates with his base but undermines the integrity of political debates and democratic discourse.

In contrast, Kamala Harris missed an opportunity to effectively counter Trump’s false claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio. She failed to capitalize on the chance to explain that these immigrants are not illega but rather hardworking individuals who contribute to the community. By not addressing this falsehood directly, Harris allowed Trump’s narrative to go unchallenged.

Moreover, Harris could have highlighted the racial undertones of Trump’s lie, emphasizing that his false claims about black immigrants are a stark example of his racially discriminatory tendencies. By doing so, she could have secured the black vote and exposed Trump’s tactics for what they are – a desperate attempt to divide and conquer.

Critically, Harris could have emphasized that in the eyes of law enforcement, all Black people are often seen as alike, and stigmatizing one group perpetuates harm against the entire community. This moment was an opportunity for Harris to connect with Black voters and urge them to come out and vote for her, recognizing that their rights and dignity are under attack. By not addressing these points, Harris might have missed a crucial opportunity to connect with Haitian Americans and other Black voters who are eager to see strong leadership and advocacy against Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

Another crucial point is that news reports may focus on fact-checking and declare Kamala Harris the winner of the debate based on factual accuracy. However, they often overlook the emotional appeal and manipulative tactics employed by Trump, which can be highly effective in resonating with certain voters. Trump’s allegation about immigrants eating pets may seem outrageous and easily debunked, but for someone who loves their pets, especially if they’re lonely or have a strong emotional attachment, this claim can evoke a deep sense of fear, anxiety, and outrage.

From the viewpoint of a Haitian American, Kamala Harris’s response might be seen as a missed opportunity to directly confront Trump’s harmful narrative and provide a strong counter-narrative that highlights the valuable contributions of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. By not explicitly stating that these immigrants are hardworking, law-abiding individuals who enrich American society, Harris might have left a void that allowed Trump’s false claims to linger.

Additionally, Harris could have further exposed Trump’s racial bias by referencing his previous statement expressing a preference for immigrants from Norway. By highlighting this affirmation, Harris could have underscored Trump’s implicit preference for white immigrants over people of color.

Ultimately, understanding the emotional resonance of political rhetoric is crucial to developing effective counter-narratives and connecting with voters who are vulnerable to manipulative tactics, particularly in communities of color. To counter Trump’s manipulative tactics, candidates like Harris can employ a multi-faceted approach, building a strong narrative that highlights marginalized communities’ contributions, leveraging social media, and engaging in grassroots outreach.

Despite fact-checking exposing Trump’s falsehoods on immigration, his base hailed him as a hero, a commander-in-chief fiercely advocating for their interests. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris must engage in a substantive dialogue with Black voters, a crucial constituency for Democratic success in the presidential election. As the nation, built by immigrants, grapples with the complexities of immigration reform, Harris must address the concerns of Black voters, including racial profiling, economic empowerment, and access to healthcare, and present a comprehensive vision that harmonizes law, liberty, freedom, and equality. While Trump’s base sees him as a champion, Harris must win over Black voters by offering a bold, inclusive agenda that resonates with their experiences and aspirations.

In conclusion, the political debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris has highlighted the complexities and challenges of modern political discourse, underscoring the critical importance of informed citizenship in our democracy. As the election season unfolds, both candidates will continue to face scrutiny and opportunity, and we wish them well in their pursuit of the presidency. However, the true power lies with the voters, who must engage critically and thoughtfully in the democratic process. We urge all citizens to educate themselves on the issues, scrutinize the candidates’ policies, and exercise their right to vote. By doing so, we can ensure that our democracy truly reflects the will of the people. Let us embrace this moment as an opportunity to shape our collective future and vote with conviction, compassion, and wisdom. Ultimately, voters responsibility is to carefully consider each candidate’s vision, policies, and character, and to vote for the leader who will move our country forward in the right direction, uniting, inspiring, and propelling us towards a brighter tomorrow.

Samuel Georges

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